The station D-dur appeals to those who love classical music, but also those who do not yet know about it. For each song they can learn something that shows them the way to its beauty.
The programming and accompanying word are prepared by experienced editors and music publicists:
- Saturday and Sunday morning we listen to the music chosen by a distinguished person
- Monday - Friday from 4 p.m. Classical music for beginners
- on Saturday from 4 p.m. old music in a stylish interpretation
- on Sunday from 4 p.m. opera
- every evening from 8 p.m. more demanding music, contemporary music etc.
Listen to the highest possible technical quality over the Internet and in DVB-T and DAB.
Český rozhlas D-Dur
Vinohradská 12
120 99 Praha 2
E-shop Českého rozhlasu
Kdo jste vy? Klára, nebo učitel?
Tereza Kostková, moderátorka ČRo Dvojka

Jak Klára obrátila všechno vzhůru nohama
Knížka režiséra a herce Jakuba Nvoty v překladu Terezy Kostkové předkládá malým i velkým čtenářům dialogy malé Kláry a učitele o světě, který se dá vnímat docela jinak, než jak se píše v učebnicích.